De Nachtburgermeesters

De nachtburgermeesters voor de hersenstichting

( Lid van team: D.S.T.V. Aloha )

The Brain Foundation's dedication to advancing research, education, and support for those affected by neurological disorders is truly commendable. Their commitment to improving the lives of individuals and families impacted by brain-related conditions aligns harmoniously with the values and aspirations of the triathlete community. We, as triathletes, understand the significance of mental resilience, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being, as these elements play a vital role in our pursuit of athletic excellence.

By raising funds for the Brain Foundation, triathletes have an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of countless individuals. We believe in the power of collective action, and our passion for pushing boundaries and overcoming obstacles extends beyond the realm of sports. Therefore, we leverage our network, strength, and determination to create positive change and support the Foundation's mission.

Together, as triathletes, we can contribute not only to scientific advancements in brain research but also to creating a world where every individual has access to the resources and support needed to lead a fulfilling life. We are excited to rally our community behind this cause by creating awareness, and participating in an athletic events that will not only raise much-needed funds but also inspire others to join us in championing the Brain Foundation's vital work.

We are ready to embark on this journey, combining our passion for sport with a deep commitment to improving the lives of others. Together, we shall shatter barriers, surmount insurmountable challenges, and kindle the beacon of hope for all those impacted by neurological disorders. In the annals of charitable endeavors, this tale shall be forever inscribed—a testament to the power of fellowship, of sacrifice, and of the indomitable spirit that dwells within the heart of every being. The 24-hour triathlon for the Brain Foundation, a saga woven in sweat and determination, shall be retold in hushed whispers and joyous celebrations, reminding us that even in the face of great challenges, the human spirit can shine as brightly as the most enduring stars in the heavens.

De nachtburgermeesters

Totaal opgehaald bedrag: € 575
Streefbedrag: € 250

Laatste donaties

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€ 25

Thecla en Frans

€ 15


€ 25



€ 250 opgehaald

€ 500 opgehaald

€ 1.000 opgehaald

Eerste donatie ontvangen

10 donaties ontvangen

25 donaties ontvangen

50 donaties ontvangen

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Totaal afgelegd 0 m (0%). Mijn doel afstand: 524 km.

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